Grid-tied Residential PV w/ XL Dual Axis Tracker

The reason for these larger trackers is to create as much power as possible in the smallest foot print. This project serves a client who’s home is all electric with an annual usage of approximately 22,000kwh. While this is a new install we are happy to report that the client reported that they received a credit from the utility for the month of February! This is unheard of in our cloudy part of the state. Can’t wait to see the results after one year.

This system consists of two extra large DA Trackers, forty eight 315 watt PV panels equaling 15.12Kw output and two 6kw string inverters. The two DA Trackers chase the sun light each day in an east to west transition known as the azimuth and also adjust to the elevation (tilt) of the sun. A unique feature of this DAT is that it moves based on a GPS unit instead of using light sensors. If the winds become to heavy the DAT will flatten out. Besides the increase in power output of the array by as much as 42% the other plus for our part of the country is that snow removal is almost always done by Mother Nature. While a DA Tracking system is more expensive than a fixed array, the benefits of the additional output provided from a tracker along without having to add additional PV, thus requiring more square footage, more Balance of System (BOS) components and more labor outweigh the additional cost. Now not all sites will be good candidates for a tracking system. That’s why we must do a site survey of your location before any components can be suggested.


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